Bachelor's degree in Clinical Psychology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Master's degree in General Psychology from Shahid Beheshti University
PhD in Clinical Psychology from Shahid Beheshti University
Dr. Nayereh Ghashang's Academic and Executive Responsibilities
Head of PhD in Trainings at the Psychotherapy and Counseling Services Centers of Shahid Beheshti University
Responsibilities in Treatment, Crisis Intervention, Training, and Research at Ferdowsi University in Mashhad
Contact person for the Prevention of Psychological-Social Damages in Students, Central Counseling Office, Ministry of Science
Expert and contact person for the Special Project Committee on Documentary Filming of Student Counseling Activities with the Deputy of Plans and Programs, University
Executor of Educational and Research Projects (more than 10 projects) for the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Psychological Damages